Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mega Page o' Pics

That boxer hates them.

I think this is working out great for everyone.

One of them killed the other two a few weeks later. (They drew straws.)

If they left their baby at FAO Schwartz by mistake it would get sold by mistake.
I would buy it.

Leave it to a cat to ruin a perfect picture.

The was before CPS I guess.

Their parents love them and their parrot loves them.
I'll be giving them them a wide berth.

Life is about what matters to YOU, not other people. ¡OlĂ©!

I'm not saying it's genetic but someone in this picture
had to end up in restraints before the kids left for college.

"If you love something, let it go." I mean let go of its neck.

Don't want to know the special secret.
Do not tell me.

You only live once.
You should do this approximately never.

The cat has had more sex than those two combined,
and it was only out one night.

What I wouldn't give for the photographer's archive.

There's something genuine here.

Until Clyde kicked the fondue pot over it was perfect.
Everything was perfect.

They've tried to convince their adult son he has a false memory.
Someday he'll see this picture and it will all come flooding back.